Monday, May 26, 2008

Last night Asher and I had an argument. It was not a horrible argument. I was just a small one where I wanted to address an issue and he did want to choose that moment to talk about it. I was fuming mad. I was saying things like, "I am sick and tired of this," and "I deserve better than this" to myself.

I am reading a book on prayer right now. Since the girls were in bed and that is the time that I read or do other things to relax, I opened up my book. The book is about praying the attributes of God to become closer to Him. As I turned to the current chapter I saw it was entitled, "Awesome God." I am not sure what it was but those words struck conviction in my heart. Suddenly, God spoke to me. "You spend a lot of time trying to fix Asher's faults but not too much trying to fix your own." It was clear and very accurate.

Asher is a sweet guy. My favorite things about him is that he is funny, hard working, snugly, loves his girls, loyal, passionate, desires God's will for his life, patient with me and full of wisdom. Those are some great qualities. Yes, Asher is not perfect(despite what I thought when we first married). He is human just like anyone else and he has faults. I can be really hard on him sometimes. I don't give him much fudge room. He knows the things he needs to fix and he is sincerely working on them.

One of the things that I love about him is that he hardly ever mentions my faults. Trust me, I have plenty. But to hear him talk you wouldn't ever think much about them.

I know that one of the best ways to help Asher is to be the best wife I can be. If he sees me doing everything I can to please him he will be inspired to do the same for me. I would much rather inspire my husband into certain behaviors rather than try to nag him into those behaviors. I think it is time to change my mode of operation. Well, I am off to clean the kitchen. It pleases Asher when it is sparkly. =)

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