Saturday, June 17, 2006

It wasn't very easy to take pictures of Macy because she kept moving. I didn't want the flash on because I was trying to use diffused light. On my camera when you don't use the flash, especially when not on manual, the pictures come out very blurry if there is any movement. Chrysinda, does that happen on your camera? This is the best clear picture that I got of Macy. My dad happened to come over when I was taking in the middle of my photo shoot with Bethany (NONE of those pictures came out), and he told me that he has a tripod that I can use. Hallelujah! Posted by Picasa

My family knows a neat elderly couple named the Warringtons. They attend my parents church, which is the church Asher met and married in. The Warringtons are extremely bright people who have given their lives in ministry as missionaries to children. George retired just a couple of years ago from being the regional director for Children's Bible Ministries (CBM). It is a ministry that takes children out of school about once or twice a month and teaches them a class about Jesus and how to get saved. Well, George is in very poor health now and my mom called the other day and asked me to take some pictures of George and Donna. She wants to give the pictures as a present to Donna so that she will have something to remember her husband when he dies. I got really excited about it because I love George and Donna, and I would love to get the opportunity to do something meaningful for them. I have been thinking about using this format of b/w, with black background and diffused light for a while with my kids, but just hadn't gotten around to it. So I am actually getting two things accomplished here. Does anyone have a big black sheet that I could borrow for a couple days? For these pictures I used a throw blanket that really was not big enough. I had to work very hard to fit the picture right. It worked okay for my tiny girls, but obviously it wouldn't be big enough for two adults.

I just want to add that I did not do anything special to the girls to primp them up for pictures, except for Natalie. I just called them into the garage and said sit/stand on the blanket. It was all kind of a spur of the moment thing this morning.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Here are most of the pictures that won't show up on my previous blog. I used my Picasa program to upload my pictures to my blog, but it only really does 4 pictures at a time. I tried to cheat and get more on there because I like the way I am able to edit the pictures in Picasa, but I guess it didn't work.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Camping Trip

Saturday we went camping with the Bible Study and had great fun and fellowship. I am not going to say that camping with two babies was easy, but overall we really had a blast.

Our camping adventure took place at Lake Tenkiller which is in Eastern Oklahoma, about 2-3 hours away, depending on how fast you drive. The scenery was beautiful, but the weather was really hot and sticky, which you pretty much for summer camping. Oh, wait a minute, it is not summer yet, is it. Could have fooled me.

We were only there about 24 hours, but is seemed like a long time. We were so busy every minute enjoying God's creation, taking care of babies, swimming, sitting around chatting, fishing, taking care of babies, organizing camp stuff, playing frisbee or football, napping, reading our Bibles, roasting marshmellows and having Bible study that is just seemed that we must have been there for a few days.

It really was nice for me to be able to get to know the people we were camping with better. They are really just a great group.

This is a cake that Natalie made for me. That girl is alway playing in the dirt. We cannot pass by a mound of dirt without her at least touching it. If we let her, she will play in in for hours.

Starting from the left, this is Josh, Ryan, Ben, and Krisha.

Caylee saw that a few of the adults had some fishing poles, and got it into her mind that she really wanted to go fishing. She was very insistant about it and acted like it she has been wanting to go for a while. That is funny because I have never been fishing and Asher has not gone the whole time we've been married. So I am just wondering where she got the idea that she would like it.

Well, sweet Krisha offered to take the two older girls to catch perch off the dock. That is where we started, but didn't have any bites. One fish did come over and smell the bait, but swam away. I think he thought it was a bit fishy. 8)

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Waiting for a bite is really boring.

Since we weren't having any luck at the dock, Krisha decided to try the shore. Much better! It only took minutes to catch the first perch. It was really pretty. You can't see it very well in the picture, but the fish had lots of different colors in it. Caylee was so excited. She loved to hold up the string and show off her catch, but she did NOT want to touch it. Natalie did though. She thought is was soft and slimey.

This is Ryan, Krisha's boyfriend, pretending to eat some sort of small lizard that he caught. Uck! I thought that it looked a lot like a salomander.

This is the bay where we went swimming. The water was perfect in temperture. Macy was so brave. She loved being in the water. She wanted to be able to swim like her sisters, so she kept trying to wriggle away from me. So she had to learn the hard way to stay with me. She went under a couple of times, so decided the shallow water was not so bad. She really didn't seem traumatized by it at all though. She was acted like, "Oh well, I guess I will stay over here."

This is Wally being a goofball. He had the smallest perch, so he was trying to weigh down his line, so is seemed heavier.

The little boy in this picture is a kid from the camp site next to ours. He came over and hung out with us the first day, mostly doing guy stuff. That evening his Grandma came over and told us his sad story. Apperently he had been abandoned by his mother at birth and she was raising him, but he didn't have very many friends, especially boys to play with, so she was very thankful that our guys were paying attention to him and involving him in our fun.
I was so proud of the guys. The next day Josh, Ryan and Wally spent all of their free time with James. They wrestled and played all morning. I even saw Wally giving James his phone number and xbox online information.
This is the life! One of Asher's dreams is to have a hammock and be able to nap in it with the breeze gently blowing across his face. There was no breeze this day, but it was still quite comfy.

Yummy! One of the best parts of camping. Mike and Leah made smore's for the girls, and they just thought that was like heaven. Caylee told me that she was going to eat a whole bag of marshmellows, but obviously that didn't happen. We squelched that idea pretty quickly. She had one smore and seemed pretty content with that.

This is so funny. Caylee was sleeping in the van with her mouth wide open. I thought is was amusing, so I got my camera out to take a picture. At the same time Macy noticed what Caylee was doing and decided to close her mouth. You can see her little hand trying to get Caylee lips together. She was actually successful, but woke Caylee up in process, so I couldn't get that picture that I had wanted.