Thursday, May 11, 2006

I found a good deal.

Actually, it is a great deal.

A few weeks ago I ordered some math games from Planet CD-rom. I haven't done too much with Caylee in the way of math and I know that CHA is going to test her, so I thought software games would be perfect for her. She is always bugging me to play video games, and this is a compromise that we can both be happy with. And she is doing great! I got her the first grade games because I think that kindergarten games look a little bit too easy, they are more of what Natalie can do, and I wanted to challenge her. She is learning about math phenomally faster than she was when I had her just adding and subtracting pasta.

Here is the part about the good deal. These games are advertised as free, but you pay shipping, which is $5. So I got 5 games which added up to about $30 after everything. Last week I went to Best Buy with Asher and I happened to see some of the same games $30 each. So I saved about $120. Woohoo!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Has anyone seen that show "Lost?" It is sooo good. My husband (who is not really a t.v. watcher) got me into it first, but now I love it. You just never know what is going to happen. Things never settle down. If you haven't seen it, check it out.

Monday, May 08, 2006

I went to the gym tonight and had a awesome workout! I can't believe it, I spent two hours at the gym. I have NEVER spent that long there. Tonight I knew that I did not have to be home at a certain time. so I just kept going. You know, I wish that I could spend a whole week at the gym working out all day long and meet my goals by the end of the week. Oh, well.

When I got done, I felt so awesome. I felt like I could conquer the world. I seriously felt like yelling and screaming because I felt so good. Working out at night is so much different for me than working out in the morning. In the morning, I drag myself in there and drag myself out. So, I think I am going to start working out at night.

I had an awesome spiritual experience on the way home. It probably had something to do with the endorphins, but my feelings were already there, they just magnified the love I feel for God. I so want to do His will for my life. I feel like I have been in a spiritual coma for a long time. I have been happy and complacent just living a lifestyle of being a Christian, but not doing any real spiritual work (such as reading my Bible and denying myself from my personal sins), and therefore not having any real intimacy with my Creator. After a shamefully long period of conviction, I am finally starting to read my Bible on a regular basis. That is why I was listening to K-love to help get me into a worshipful attitude. The first song got me thinking about spiritual things, but the next song just struck me to the core. I have not experienced anything like that since before I was married and I had to lean on God for my daily sustanance. While I was listening it was hard to focus at first. My mind kept wandering even though my heart was in the right place. What I thought of was being intimate sexually for the first time. I know this is really personal, but it seems to fit so well. For my first time being intimite with my husband it seemed a little awkward and unnatural. But I just kept focusing on what was happening and it became like pure bliss. It was the same being intimite with God. It became pure bliss. I just kept focusing on Him and loving Him and it became pure bliss.

This is the song:
"Aaron Shust - My Savior My God"
chorus-My Savior loves, My Savior lives
My Savior’s always there for me
My God: He was, my God; He is
My God is always gonna be

Disclaimer: I want to say that I realize that this kind of worship is just a small part of the whole picture of what worship is. I know that worship is also living one's life in obedience to God's commands. I am a Baptist, but I do believe that we were created with emotions and sometimes God chooses to touch those emotions in a powerful way.
One of the things I am going to use this blog for is accountability for myself. As everyone can see I have just had four children, pretty much one right after the other and my body does not look quite the same as it used to. I have been going to the gym since soon after Bethany was born, but I have not been seeing enough results. My dh told me recently that it is because I have just been focusing on the cardio and not enough weights. My legs have gotten real toned and trim, but everything else is the same. So..., now is the is the time to really kick it up and go into full workout gear. I am so pumped up and excited about getting skinny again. I put a countdown counter on the side bar because we are going on vacation in June and I want to look the best that I can in my bathing suit. I want my husband to say, "Va-va-voom!" (He would not say that, but you get the idea.) So I am going to start posting daily telling you whether or not I went to the gym and what I did when I was there.