Monday, May 08, 2006

One of the things I am going to use this blog for is accountability for myself. As everyone can see I have just had four children, pretty much one right after the other and my body does not look quite the same as it used to. I have been going to the gym since soon after Bethany was born, but I have not been seeing enough results. My dh told me recently that it is because I have just been focusing on the cardio and not enough weights. My legs have gotten real toned and trim, but everything else is the same. So..., now is the is the time to really kick it up and go into full workout gear. I am so pumped up and excited about getting skinny again. I put a countdown counter on the side bar because we are going on vacation in June and I want to look the best that I can in my bathing suit. I want my husband to say, "Va-va-voom!" (He would not say that, but you get the idea.) So I am going to start posting daily telling you whether or not I went to the gym and what I did when I was there.

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