But now we have our own pet. I have to admit that I am pretty excited. I think this little fellow will be a good thing. We started out possibly wanting a frog because Chrysinda said they make a good pet. We definitely had an open mind though, not being too familiar with reptiles. The guy at the pet store pointed out that a lizard might be a better pet because they get to where they actually enjoy being handled, whereas frogs generally sit nicely but if you jostle them too much they will jump off and you have to fight to get them back on and sit still. So we ended up getting a lepeord gecko. The guy said that they are very hardy and docile. They make excellent pets.
Now we just need to work on a name. Asher wants to name him Oober and Caylee wants to name him Polly, like Pollyana. We realized that we forgot to ask if it was a girl or boy, so I guess either name would work. Does anyone know how to tell on a reptile?