Here are some more pictures of Polly a couple of days after we got her. By the way, we looked up how to to tell the sex of a leopard gecko and after using the information we decided that we should probably go with Polly rather than Hannibal (my choice).

Actually the information we found said that most leopard geckos sold in pet stores are female for some reason.
On this particular the weather was a bit chilly and I noticed that Polly seemed a bit pale and was not moving very much. I mentioned to Asher that she might be cold, so he went and got her and tried to snuggle with her for awhile to help her get warm. He is so sweet. My plan was to just turn up the thermostat, but he wanted Polly to feel better right away. Well, lizards don't snuggle too well, so Polly ended up on his head. But I thought is was a endearing moment and I took some pictures.
In this picture you can really see just how pale she was. She is normally a bright orange and black, not ashy looking at all.