These pictures go in ascending order so you should start at the bottom.

A missionary came to my parents church a while back and he had a display table with items he has collected from around the world. He encouraged the children to play with the items so they eagerly took him up on his offer.

I wish I remember where these items came from. Obviously the turban is from India. I think the bracelet is from India also and the shaker stick is from Africa.

Here's Betsy. She is absolutely hilarious. Kyle brought her from Chicago because they are engaged to get married in May. She has a
beautiful smile and twinkle in her eyes.

Here is Kyle, Sarah and Michelle. Honest, Michelle does have a pretty face despite her ultra cheesy grin.

We had a social night to welcome the newest member of our group, Betsy. James and Joe did all the cooking. I love it when men cook.

Bethany is dabbling in a little archeology. Here she is searching for bones to dig up.

Sweet little
Sery played quietly with her toys so I could capture pictures of everyone else. She is such a good baby.

The was a vinyl igloo in the room with puzzles on the inside.

This lady was wonderful. It was so cute. She pulled out this huge furry tarantula and started singing, "
Bitsy Spider," to Macy. I think Macy was a little freaked out by the spider but I know she liked it because when she saw this picture she started to sing the song.

Still not to old to play with toys.
This is something they love to do. They pretend this gigantic elephant is about to step on somebody. Of course all the children involved were very dramatic in their roles.
In January we took a school field trip to the Sam Noble museum with my mom, my nephew Ajay, my mom's neighbor Mary and her little boy Joseph. We had a blast. The kids hadn't been there in a while so it was like everything was new to them. We spent most of our time in the Discovery Room. The kids wanted to see more of the museum but we had to go eat lunch. After the museum we went to McDonald's and let them play on the Play Place. They had a great time and it seemed like every time we were in the van Bethany fell asleep so she was good to go. Nap time was not an issue at all. I would love to go back there with Asher.