Next, we went to the Agtropolis building. This is our favorite place to go at the fair. At the chicky incubators they had a 4H girl that was holding a chicky for the children. She said they didn't mind because they were used to it, but I felt sorry for it when Macy got there. She tries to be gentle.
This was at the Farmer's Market

. The girls went through a series of steps where they helped the farmer plant a seed and water it, then they picked apples, gathered eggs, dug for potatoes and pumpkins. Then they took it to the market and sold it for fake money.
After we did that we walked towards the back of the building to see the cows and bugs. The insects are Asher's favorite part of the Agtropolis building. I was interested to see the fiddleback spider. Last year the specimens they had were very tiny and I had expected them to be bigger. But when I looked this year, they had increased in size. I guess the ones they had last year were babies. Natalie has been asking me about spiders lately, especially the black widow. She was excited to see an actual spider. In California those things were all over the place, but I haven't seen any while here in Oklahoma. The picture that is hard to see is the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. Asher loves to tease me every year whith those because he know how much I despise roaches. Yuck, just imagine those crawling on your bed at night.