Monday, September 25, 2006

Saturday we went to the fair. Our favorite things to do at the fair is all the free stuff. You know, that is the stuff that seems to be more fun anyway. This is the Bank of Omaha Wildlife Adventure. It was way cool. There was all sorts of robotic wild animals. Macy was a little wary at first because she is too young to truly tell the difference between real and pretend. She was okay after she realized that all the animals were behaving themselves and they were not going to jump out and get her.

This is Macy's "Cheeeese" face. I laugh every time she says it because it is so automatic and that was actually one of her first words.
The girls were intoduced to a fair classic. I wish I had gotten a picture of the girls eyes when they first saw how big the corn dogs were. I didn't think they would be able to eat the whole thing, but that did not prove to be any sort of problem. I had an indian taco, because I have been wanting to try one for a while, and Asher had a colossal garlic chicken burrito. The food was all very delicious and I can see why people talk about fair food like they do. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you're so busy having fun!!! looks like the girls "had a ball"! Jericho says "cheese" too - which is hilarious, I have to agree ... and the funniest thing is he doesn't really talk in words, but 90% of the time if I get the camera out (even just to do something, not taking photos) he'll say "CHEESE"!