Last week, on Friday, Caylee lost her first tooth. Her tooth next to it has been loose for several months and we all thought for sure that it would come out first. But a few days before it came out Caylee was eating a plum and the other tooth suddenly became the main competitor. Caylee said that she heard a crack and all of a sudden it was loose. She was so excited! Especially after we told her about the tooth fairy!
But that is another story. Friday night is bible study night and Asher always stays up late playing video games on Fridays because guys stay over and play and he can play with Mike Warren and Mike's bible study guys over the internet. It is his favorite night of the week. Well, I was waiting for Asher to get done with playing video games so that we could do the tooth fairy thing, but I was extremely tired that night and I fell asleep on the couch. When Asher woke me up to go to bed with him, that was the last thing on my mind. So the tooth fairy did not come that night. I had to think of some reason, so I told Caylee that the tooth fairy could not come in when the window was locked. The next night was our date night so we did not put the children to bed. It was Ginger. She doesn't do the tooth fairy thing so she told Caylee that she needed to worry about that another night. She told me that it was so cute because Caylee and Natalie were still excited about the tooth fairy and Natalie looked out the window and said, "Look, I see the tooth fairy! She's beautiful!"
Well, the next night I think Caylee had figured out that the whole tooth fairy thing was a bit bogus and did not put the tooth under her pillow. That night Asher did put a dollar under her pillow and we thought everything was made right. But, unfortunately Caylee knew where she left the tooth and found it still there. I tried to convince her that there really was such thing as a tooth fairy, but during her lunchtime prayer she told God all about how Mommy thought the tooth fairy was real, but it was really Daddy that had put the money under her pillow. I thought it was funny, but I was a little sad because I believed in the tooth fairy as a child and I want her to have that experience also. She did crack a bit when I told her that we would go to the library to learn more about the tooth fairy. You know that saying, if it is written in ink it has to be true. I guess that applies to six year olds as well.