This evening I was cleaning the bathtub and Macy came in and patted the toilet, asking if I would put her on it. I did a few times and she just sat there a few seconds and then got off. One of the times she sat there I realized that she had just gone pee-pee in her diaper, so I left her diaper off to see what she would do. Nothing happened, but she kept coming back to get on the potty a couple more times. I decided this would be a good scrapbooking moment, so I got my camera out. She was patting the toilet quite fiercely, but I just thought she was just being orney and I wanted to get a picture first. Well... It wasn't just orneriness . She peed on my leg. And she is doing it in this picture. Uck!!
That wasn't it though. About an hour later she went into the bathroom took off her diaper and peed next to the toilet. She then came out and said "Uh-oh." (That's her new favorite word.)