This is my husband Asher. We've been married for 6 years. He's the crazy guy in the velcro suit. He is a wonderful husband and dad. He is hardworking, passionate, smart, kind, funny, easygoing, cute, loyal,

Asher is at the end of his second year of dental school. But that is not his main focus in life. His main focus and the the thing he is most passionate about is his discipleship ministry. He is one of the leaders of a Bible study where he teaches other guys an emphasis on Bible reading, memorization, and recruiting new guys so they can go out and do the same thing. Because he has gotten into the Word, I have seen him go from being empty and without purpose to being more fulfilled than he has ever been in his life. The other guy is Mike Warren, he is actually the one who started the Bible study.

Quote: "He is a wonderful husband and dad. He is hardworking, passionate, smart, kind, funny, easygoing, cute, loyal, and just a great guy to be around. I am truly thankful every day that he is my husband and that he loves me."
....except for when he pulls a prank on you about cockroaches, right? LOL!
Abby said...
As much as I complained about that, he does make life more interesting. He is always keeping me on my toes. When I told you about that it was the next morning and I was still in shock. It was VERY traumatic.
Wow Abby, I had no idea Asher was your husband!! James (my husband) was in his Lifegroup!! How cool! I Love your blog!
What a small world!
I told Asher about James and he said, "Yeah, we went golfing weekend before last."
That is such a coincidence. How funny.
WOW ... it's been two years already! that went fast!
Two years since what?
I figured it out. Sorry, I am a little slow sometimes, I know.
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