Hello everybody. This is my first blog ever. I am pretty excited because blogging seems like so much fun. It is funny because previously I thought I would never ever have a blog because I thought I did not have time for something like this. But I am beginning to see that it might actually save time because we can all keep up by reading each others postings and not have to spend hours on the phone. Cool beans.
Well, I guess I should do some sort of introduction since this is my first blog. These pictures are obviously not in birth order, but that is just how they came out. The first picture is my 1 1/2 year old, Macy Leigh (pronounced Lee). She is bundles of fun. She is such a cute age. You will probably see lots of pictures of her because at this age everything she does is so photogenic. One thing that I can say about her is that she has tons of ambition. If she wants something, she will just go for it. It was not long after she was walking that she was climbing ladders. Mostly the ladder to the playset in the backyard. At first I was hesitant to let her so I stood next to her, but it did not take long for her to become very proficient. Now she climbs up and slides down by herself.

Three and a HALF??? Her birthday is only a few weeks away, ya know.....LOL!
Alright, alright, if you want to get techincal she will be 4 in a month and a half. I am just not used to talking about her birthday coming up because if I did I would never hear the end of it. When her birthday gets closer I will consider almost four.
We count down the weeks around here. I think I'm as excited as the kids are. LOL!
Four weeks and 3 days until Jayla turns 4! :)
you two are so funny! My mom is a skip aheader!!! I made that word up! But like, in December she's already saying Annicka's "5 1/2" (for example) and by February she's "almost 6" ... in fact, she said that today and I was like, she'll be 5 1/2 on the 21st of this month, she's not almost 6! LOL
Hey, isn't Annicka already 5 1/2? Isn't her birthday in October? That would mean her half birthday was last month. But anything within a month or so is close enough for me.
Sorry to be so technical. LOL! I guess I'm a *bit* of a skip aheader too! :)
her birthday is November 21 - so May is her half birthday!!!
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