You ladies are so sweet. I honestly thought that nobody read my blog anymore and if I ever wanted anybody to read it again I would have to email everybody and let them know I had posted something. I love you all so much! Since you have been such a loyal readership I feel you deserve an honest answer as to why I have not been blogging. I cannot seem to keep a camera to save my life. I had one camera and it fell off of the stroller while the family was on a walk. And then another was in my purse that got stolen out of my van in OKC. With that one we were living in Wichita Falls but we were getting ready to move to GA so we went around visiting some old friends. We had plans to go to the pool with my friend Tegan but she had a new baby and it was taking her a long time to get ready so we decided to drop in on friends and old neighbors. We went back to our old street and visited different people. The girls got visit some of their best friends in the whole world, Katy and Anna and we spent some time with Grandma Ann. She could hardly remember us, but that is okay. I hope she can continue to live in her house alone but I suspect she will not be able to much longer. I really think it would be good for her to move because she seems so lonely. We went to see a few other people and then we dropped in at the Siddiquis. We only intended to stay there a few minutes but ended up staying a few hours. It was good to see them again. I thought I had taken my purse in with me but I had left if in the van and it got stolen while I was in the house. I am pretty mad at myself for leaving it there. But needless to say, Asher has not wanted to run out and spend another $200 each time to get a camera. Now I have another one and both Asher and I have been keeping an eagle eye on it. I have been taking lots of pictures.