Macy is FIVE!
Today is Macy's birthday. So I went to school with some cupcakes and balloons for the kids in her class. I bought one of those helium tanks for Wal-Mart becuase I was worried about strings getting tangled. It worked out great. They sang Happy Birthday and ate their little cupcakes. So cute!

The little boy sitting at the far right with the green and white shirt is Donovon, the boy Macy wants to marry. Sigh... Couldn't we wait a few more years before dealing with this?

I got these cupcakes from Publix. There is one across the street from Macy's school so I walked in there to see what they had. I figured Wal-Mart would have cupcakes if they didn't. They had some cupcakes but not a very good selection so I asked the lady behind the counter if they were hiding some in the back. She said they weren't but she could make whatever I wanted right then. That was great. I got exactly what I wanted in about 15 minutes and it was so fresh and good. The best part was that it cost the same as Wal-Mart so I think I will be going back there for other birthdays. There is a big sign outside of Publix claiming they are first in customer sastisfaction and I believe it.