My family knows a neat elderly couple named the Warringtons. They attend my parents church, which is the church Asher met and married in. The Warringtons are extremely bright people who have given their lives in ministry as missionaries to children. George retired just a couple of years ago from being the regional director for Children's Bible Ministries (CBM). It is a ministry that takes children out of school about once or twice a month and teaches them a class about Jesus and how to get saved. Well, George is in very poor health now and my mom called the other day and asked me to take some pictures of George and Donna. She wants to give the pictures as a present to Donna so that she will have something to remember her husband when he dies. I got really excited about it because I love George and Donna, and I would love to get the opportunity to do something meaningful for them. I have been thinking about using this format of b/w, with black background and diffused light for a while with my kids, but just hadn't gotten around to it. So I am actually getting two things accomplished here. Does anyone have a big black sheet that I could borrow for a couple days? For these pictures I used a throw blanket that really was not big enough. I had to work very hard to fit the picture right. It worked okay for my tiny girls, but obviously it wouldn't be big enough for two adults.
I just want to add that I did not do anything special to the girls to primp them up for pictures, except for Natalie. I just called them into the garage and said sit/stand on the blanket. It was all kind of a spur of the moment thing this morning.

Abby, I love these photos! I sure wish I had a spot to experiment more with this type of stuff - at one point hubby said I could buy an actual background, but I still have to save $$$ and then figure out what type of lighting I'd need to go with it! I've tried to look online for info. and remember finding a couple informative sites - how do you learn? or are you just that clever on your own! anyhow - love LOVE love the photos, awesome job
I think you might be surprised at how easy this is. I shot my pics in the garage because it was daytime and I wanted to use the light from the outside (natural is best), but you can do the same in any dark room of your house with a white board (foam or poster) and a flashlight. Just aim the flashlight at the white board so that the light bounces off the board onto your subject. As for a background all need is a sheet or a blanket. White or black is best. If you use a sheet, you either want it wrinkled or just out of the dryer. What you don't want is creases from being folded. Also, I think it is usually best to dress your subject in white or dark simple clothing so it does not distract from the subject. Of course that is a matter of opinion. I didn't do that with my girls because it was all spur of the moment.
I know you can do it, probably from things you already have. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
I got my info from Scrapjazz. I will look and see if I can find something on shooting proffesional pics at home.
Oh, WOW! These are so awesome!!! I have a black sheet you are welcome to borrow. I'll try to remember to bring it tonight when I bring Jayla over.
Neat tips, Abby. Please tell us how the shoot with the Warringtons goes- what a neat ministry!
Hey, girl! Aren't you back home from your trip now? So, when are you going to blog about it??? :)
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