It wasn't very easy to take pictures of Macy because she kept moving. I didn't want the flash on because I was trying to use diffused light. On my camera when you don't use the flash, especially when not on manual, the pictures come out very blurry if there is any movement. Chrysinda, does that happen on your camera? This is the best clear picture that I got of Macy. My dad happened to come over when I was taking in the middle of my photo shoot with Bethany (NONE of those pictures came out), and he told me that he has a tripod that I can use. Hallelujah!
Good photos! My camera is sometimes blurry w/o the flash if I'm shooting in-doors, but not to the extent that my last camera was. I need to learn how to use my manual settings more.
Yes, I check out your blog too.
Your mother
Good photos! My camera is sometimes blurry w/o the flash if I'm shooting in-doors, but not to the extent that my last camera was. I need to learn how to use my manual settings more.
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