We stood in the line to get the girls faces painted for, no joking, 45 minutes. The girls loved it though. I have been thinking that I would like to try to paint their faces myself. I know a lady at co-op who does it and halloween is coming up ( we don't celebrate halloween, we just dress up for fall parties).

I could also practice on the girls across the street. I am sure they would love it, too.

Here Macy is enjoying one of those delicious whole wheat cinnamon rolls. They are yummy. It is funny, two years ago when we first attended Septemberfest, they didn't taste right to me. They were edible, but just not right. Since then I have tried to exclude as much white flour from my diet as I can simply because I know wheat is better, and now those rolls are heavenly. Just a little different perspective was all I needed.
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