I haven't blogged in so long and there is so much that I have missed putting on my blog. I am going to go back and try to catch everybody up on some of it. Today I downloaded pictures from my camera so I will just start by blogging them. A few of them are just me capturing everyday sweet moments that are small, but I don't ever want to forget. These pictures are some of the everyday moments. I was in the process of mowing the grass when Natalie jumped into the middle where it was not mowed yet and started rolling around. She was laying there telling me what she was saw in the clouds, when Star "our cat,"

came over and joined her. The two of them were so precious together. After I was done, Natalie baked me a cake, not a birthday cake, she was very clear on that. It was a present because she loves me. So sweet! I just love it when she does things like that. She is always thinking of others.
How sweet. :) She sure is looking very grown-up these days!
Okay, don't stop. I've been checking your blog almost daily, so I'm ready for more!
I check at least every other day! Looks like you've all been busy with lots of fun stuff!! How's homeschooling? Glad to see you "back"!
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