Monday, May 25, 2009

1 Corinthians 10:13

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

This is our current memory verse. We usually take a verse that we want the girls to have ready in their hearts as they get older and recite it before bed almost every night. All the children love it. The older girls know that they are obeying God by hiding his Word in their hearts and the little children love to copy their sisters. Last time they memorized Psalm 23. The littles had a hard time with that one because it is so long, but they have this one down almost perfectly. Even Sery insists on saying it every night. There a few words that are easier for her like, eat and drink. I think I will try to get them on video. I think that will be something they will like to remember when they get older.

Other verses they have memorized are Eclesiastes 7:9 "Do not let you spirit rush to anger, for anger abides in the heart of fools." There was another one but obviously we did not memorize it too well because I can't remember what it is.


Unknown said...

that's so awesome ... I need to do that!

Tegan said...

Um, Abby, I Cor 10:13 is about no temptation has seized you except what is common to man . . . that verse is I Cor 10:31 :D

Love you! :)

I miss you verse memorization nights together . .. ::sigh:: good times, good times