Saturday, April 05, 2008

My mom is helping me out with school so I get to spend more time with my little ones doing preschool. Macy is getting very good at her shapes and colors. She is also getting pretty good at recognizing numbers and letters when she sees them written. She is coming along so well. I think this was the day that my van was in the shop getting a check-up so I stayed a home with the little ones while my mom took the girls to her house to do school. That was really nice because I got to spend all morning playing with them without distractions or feeling like I was supposed to be doing something else. I tend to have the problem that every time I sit down to relax or play with the children I feel like I have something more productive that I could be doing. That is why I don't blog very much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I tend to think that too, but I'm usually too overwhelmed to actually do what needs done (it's usually cleaning or organizing, which I have issues with) ... that's so cool for you, to get to have "little kid time"!