Saturday, December 29, 2007

Note to self: If I ever take a short sabbatical to lesson at a lesson plan at a coffee shop, do not, I repeat, DO NOT drink caffiene. I am sitting here with hours ahead of me. Asher has the children and all should be peaceful but I feel so anxious that I cannot concentrate on my work. AGGHH! I just realized that I have drunk too coffees and that is why I feel like climbing the walls. Caffiene is great for me when I have physical work to do, but not so great for mental work.

This morning Asher agreed to let me have some time alone with the laptop to do neccessary lesson planning, so I took it and went to Starbucks. I knew that they had Wi-Fi. The first Starbucks was too small, so I proceeded to the next one on down the road. It looked like it had a nice setup so I proceede to buy a latte and muffin because even though I was not hungry I was grateful for the warm place to work. I got all set up when I realized that is cost $9.99 for 24 hours of internet access which I could use for up to 120 days. That is cheese! I already spent 6 something on food and now I have to pay ten dollars more.

So I packed up my stuff and left. I called my friend Ricky from co-op because she volunteers to work at a coffee shop in Valley Brook. It is really more of a ministry than anything else. She told me that they did have free Wi-Fi, so I headed on over there.

I felt like I need to be polite, so I bought another coffee. Big Mistake!

This is a really cool coffee shop though. I highly recommend it. They have games for people to play if they just want to hang out. Comfy, worn furniture and a very modern, cozy look. The people that work her are all doing it for free so they definitely want to be here and they are very nice.

Gotta get back to work!


Tegan said...

Awww, although it is kind of funny, because I can so picture you driving from place to place and drinking coffee. I miss you and I can't wait to see you again! :)

Unknown said...

hope you got a lot accomplished in the end ... happy new year!