Debbie, my mother-in-law requested pictures of Serenity last night. She very kindly reminded me that Serenity is now like four months old and she has not seen one picture of her most recent grandchild. After waiting so patiently she finally checked my blog and still did not have any luck. So, Bill and Debbie, this is for you. I just want to put in here that I so lucked out when it came to in-laws. Asher's parents are
so nice. They really are the best.

This morning Macy was playing with Sery on the bed and I just thought it was adorable so I grabbed my camera got a few shots. The picture where is poking out her lips she is shushing Sery to quiet her cries. Awww.
1 comment:
They're adorable! I love seeing how Macy's starting to take care of her little sisters :)
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