Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hurray, I am finally back on. I think I will be able to blog more during this summer because we are not doing school. Today we are pretty much having a free day. We spent time making stories for the girls' blog, but I cannot get my scanner to work. When Asher loaded everything on this computer I think he forgot the scanner programs so I will have to find it and do it myself.

I am very excited because sometime in August my friend Tegan and I are planning to run in a 5k race. I know that is not very much, but we are starting slow. I am not the best runner by far. I have to stop pretty often because I cramp up. But Tegan is patient with me and just keeps encouraging me to keep going. When she first suggested doing the 5k I honestly looked at her like she was crazy. I am certainly not the athletic type. But after thinking about it I liked the idea. I know Asher would support me and it would give me a goal to work for. I don't want to get out there and poop out on such a little race, so that will inspire me to work harder.

I am finally getting serious about potty training Macy. Caylee and Natalie were fully potty trained by this point and I have seen too many other families that have a lot of children wait too long in my opinion, so I am getting on this thing. By the looks of it Bethany might be trained before Macy. Bethany will already tell me she is poopoo if I ask her. Macy definitely has an interest. She gets on the potty by herself and wipes and flushes, but there is nothing to wipe or flush. Today I decided I would take her every hour. I did that twice with no results, but then later she told me poopoo a bunch of times and peed on the floor. I would have been excited but I was in the middle of scolding her because she had gotten out in the front which is a constant problem. Her older sisters are allowed to play out there so she feels like she should be able to also. She tries to tell on them when they go out there and then gets mad when I don't punish them. So hard to be the little sister.

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