I finally had the baby last week. I am sorry that I did not make any sooner announcements. Up until now I just did not feel like I had the time to sit down and write a lengthy post. I wanted to share my birth story with you ladies because I had this one naturally and I know a lot of you have done the same thing.
Serenity was born on Saturday, February 24 at 3:30 am. She was 7 lbs 11 oz, 22 1/2 inches, which is the biggest of all my other babies. She is about an inch to and inch and a half longer than the rest.
When we got to the hospital, as soon as we got into the room I hit transition. That was so hard. Joncia and Cathy still used the compresses and the ball, which helped for a little while, but then the pain got so intense that it didn't seem to matter anymore.
There was a little tension with the doctor that was on call. The way it works at Rennassaince Physicians is that Dr. Martin and another doctor trade off doing the deliveries. So I knew that it would be pretty much a 50/50 chance that I would get my doctor for the birth. I also knew that the other doctor that works with Dr. Martin does not have the same philosophies as she does. Well, this other doctor was not too excited about my birth plan and gave me a hard time about it. In the end though she got on board and ended up actually being really great about it.
Well, I made it through and Serenity was beautiful. Right after the birth I told Cathy that it was a good experience, but I would never, ever do that again. Now that I have had a week to get some perspective I am not so sure about that. It doesn't really matter because I am done having children, but I think I would go natural again given the opportunity. I felt better after the birth because I did not have pitocin which
Serenity is doing great now. For the first few days she was so fussy, even after my milk came in. But about Thursday she just seemed to relax and calm down. Now she is sleeping better and seems to be fitting in so well to our family. The girls adore her. Caylee is excited about learning to change her diapers. Natalie is constantly asking when she can hold baby Serenity. Macy calls her Sery because Serenity is an awfully big word for her to be able to say clearly. Bethany is learning to stroke her head nicely instead of digging her fingers into the baby's face. Asher is really great with her too. He and Serenity already have a special daddy/daughter bond. Last night she actually slept through the night. I was not expecting that. At first I was worried that she would not get enough to eat, but my older sister started sleeping through the night when she was just a couple of day old and I did at a couple of weeks old and we never had any problems with weight gain. Of course we have our doctor's appt. coming up real soon so I will be able to keep a close eye on her
WOW! Congratulations! Not just on beautiful Serenity, but on having the natural birth! Good Job!
Wow, congratulations!!! How exciting! I have been very close to a natural birth....if only I hadn't needed a c-section. :( God is good though, and we were both fine. He knows what is best. I am planning on this next one to be at home, and I'm praying that God allows that. :)
Anyway, I really admire you for doing the whole labor without meds! Did you learn any relaxation techniques to help you cope, or were you just relying on the doulas for that?
Well, congratulations! She is beautiful and is a perfect fit for your family! :) We'll call soon and come visit, if that's okay, but I'll give you more time to relax and enjoy your new little one. :)
Congratulations ... she is beautiful, just like ALL your girls are! What a blessing to have such adorable and healthy girls!
I really admire you, and all women, who can go through child birth naturally w/no pain meds! I don't think I could EVER do that - so congrats on that too!
I still have a few things for you and a little something for the baby! I was going to bring it by today - then forgot to bring it w/me when I went out! But you're probably not wanting too much company yet? Let me know and I'll try to get it to you! Do you still do awanas - I could even bring it there?
OK - bye for now ... have fun with your kiddos!
To Chrysinda-thank you, you are very sweet.
To Cindy-No, I didn't learn any. I already knew some, but they haven't been very effective for me. Joncia and Cathy were fantastic. When they were pressing on my sacrum I went from huge pain to only being slightly uncomfortable. At the hospital when the pain was worse they made sure that my face and shoulders were not tense and Cathy talked me through every contraction.
And yes, I would love it if you came over and visited us. Just call anytime. We are still not doing school this week, so this would be a great time.
Sasha-I bet you could do a natural labor. I am also one of those that thought that I could never ever go natural. I had no desire at all for that. I think it was actually all the stories I heard from co-op ladies that changed my mind. They all had great experiences with it. That and knowing how bad pitocin is for you. My doctor even told me it is a hostile drug, but they use it for convenience. During our conversation she was really sounding more like a midwife than a doctor.
I would love to have you come over. I still want to have you over for a play date, but this Saturday is probably not the best time. How about next Saturday? Are you busy? I want to set a date so it will actually happen.
BTW, no we aren't doing AWANAS this year. Caylee wants to, so I am thinking about it for next year, though.
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