Monday, September 04, 2006

I don't talk about my kids development very much because I don't want that to be my main focus on them. But every now and then it is kind of nice to step back and enjoy the progress they are making. This time I want to talk about Macy. That girl has been astounding me since she was a little baby. She just has so much spirit, ambition and independence. If she truly wants something she can generally find a way to get it. For example, a couple of days ago Asher and I did not get her out of the high chair fast enough so she decided to take matters into her own hands. Asher walked in as she stood up in her chair and climbed down the side of it to the floor. If it were me watching I think I would have freaked thinking she was going to fall. But Asher said she had no problems. I already knew that she was a climber. She can get out of her playpen with ease, and she has been climbing the ladder since and sliding down the slide since she was way too small. One time when she was about a year old, her high chair was about six inches away from the counter. I was in one of the bedrooms doing something when I walked out to check on her. She was no longer in her high chair. She was sitting on the counter eating chips.

I just wonder what she is going to be like when she gets older.

By the way, we did have a strap for the high chair threw it away after Natalie because I never really needed to use it.


Cindy said...

I bet you regret throwing away that strap now, huh? LOL! I never *had* to use it much, but I used it often, when each kid would go through a "climb out of the high chair" phase. :)

That's awesome she has so much ambition. I remember you mentioning that when she was very young! That's one thing I really admire about recognize those "little" things in all your kids. They're actually not "little" things at all, but they are just not as obvious as learning to write your name. You pick up on those things really well, and I think that is so awesome! :)

Unknown said...

wow - sounds like fun! Jericho is a climber, but he's yet to climb out of things! he climbs into the stroller (and out if it's just sitting there not being used) and climbs on couches, etc.! I'm glad his legs aren't too long - so he can't climb out of the crib!

Chrysinda said...

This is great. It reminds me of Daniel- one time when he was little, he pushed the step ladder to the washer, climbed on top of it, walked across the dryer, across the top of the stove, and was reaching for something on top of the refrigerator! EEK! He always had some elaborate, multi-step plan to carry out. Personally, I love an independent can-do spirit in kids.