Monday, August 28, 2006

Yesterday, when we woke up the weather was so dramatically different that we decided to give the expo another go. Ahhhh, it was so much better.

The first thing we did when we got to the expo was join the fishing clinic. First they taught all the students how to tie a line onto a hook, then we sat throught a fish identification class. After that they taught us how to filet a fish. Lastly, we used practice poles to learn to cast a line. Then we got to fish! They provided the worms and let us have 45 min. to go crazy.

We found out while we were at the fishing clinic that Caylee has a pretty good knack for casting a line. She did not like dealing with the hooks and worms because they kept getting tangled up, so I let her use a practice pole. She did not need any help with that. She did great and was very proud that she could do it herself. I figure that is the skill that she needs to develop well to help her be a good fishergirl.

The funny thing was that yesterday was the first day that I have ever used a fishing pole myself. I have to admit that it was pretty fun. Asher is an old pro at fishing. He is a country boy at heart. While we were out there he told us stories of fishing with his dad. It was a really good time.

After the fishing clinic, we headed indoors for more fun. Inside there was a 2-foot pond that someone had built and kids were kayaking around in a big circle. Caylee and Natalie were the smallest kiddos in the pond, so the adults basically them from one person to the next around the circle. But towards the end there was nobody there and Caylee got to practice actually rowing a little bit. She was doing it and actually getting the hang of it. I have a video, so I am going to see if I can publish it also. Posted by Picasa


Unknown said...

oh what fun ... where was the expo? guess I've never heard of it! looks like y'all really had a fun time - especially on day two!

Abby said...

It was at the Lazy E Arena. It is just one of those things that they post on the homeschool groups. If you would like I could forward some of the more interesting stuff on to you. The best thing about the expo was that it was all free. Did you know that Septemberfest is this Saturday?

Cindy said...

No, Septemberfest is not *this* Saturday, it's the 9th!

The pictures are so cute! :) It looks like everyone had a great time! I can't believe it was the first time you ever fished, you city girl you! I LOVE fishing! You probably have more "book knowledge" on fishing than I do though. LOL!