Friday, January 08, 2010
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
attempt at going to the fair this year. As soon as we got there it started pouring rain and lightening. They kept the fair open but closed the rides so we decided to go on Sunday since Aaron and Jennifer had decided to get unlimited rides with armbands. Macy was not too happy and would not smile at us. Then Sunday the girls could not get along for some reason. I told them if they weren't nice to each other we would stay home but they continued to argue over every small thing. It was a hard decision for us but we know that discipline is sometimes inconvenient. We have had other times where we had grace on them and you can't do that too often or your kids will not take you seriously. Aaron and Jennifer were dissapointed too but I know they had a good time without us.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
This is our current memory verse. We usually take a verse that we want the girls to have ready in their hearts as they get older and recite it before bed almost every night. All the children love it. The older girls know that they are obeying God by hiding his Word in their hearts and the little children love to copy their sisters. Last time they memorized Psalm 23. The littles had a hard time with that one because it is so long, but they have this one down almost perfectly. Even Sery insists on saying it every night. There a few words that are easier for her like, eat and drink. I think I will try to get them on video. I think that will be something they will like to remember when they get older.
Other verses they have memorized are Eclesiastes 7:9 "Do not let you spirit rush to anger, for anger abides in the heart of fools." There was another one but obviously we did not memorize it too well because I can't remember what it is.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Field Day is a highlight of the year for public school kids. It is pretty much like the Homeschool Olympics that Diane Taylor does in OK. I love the PE teacher, Mrs. Wiersma. She is a sweetheart of a lady and does a great job with the kids. She was struggling for volunteers but everything went smoothly and without a hitch.
Macy and Bethany were so excited to come to Field Day. They love hanging out with their cool older sisters.
You can hardly see Natalie. She is just poking out behind Macy and Bethany.
Monday, March 30, 2009
This is a little girl that I have been mentoring since the first of the year. Awhile back my church let us know about a need for volunteers to make a commitment to take on a child and be their friend through a mentor program. That is how I met Destiny. She is such a sweet little girl. She is very bubbly and outgoing. Most of the kids at Scotland Park are from poverty stricken homes but she seems to be better off than most of the kids. Some ladies in our church actually pack meals for many kids at the school otherwise they would not have anything to eat over the weekend. Destiny has a mom and dad, siblings and a large extended family. Last week was the first time that she really opened up to me. She told me that she was having a hard time with some of the other kids in her class being mean to her. Kids in third grade don't always have the best social skills and sometimes the process of developing them can be difficult. She shared about in incident involving a girl who was her friend's friend. This other friend was doing something annoying and Destiny told her it was annoying and now both of those girls are mad at her. There were a couple of other girls that she did not get along with also. I really never had to deal with that silly girl stuff since I was homeschooled. I had friends but they just didn't pull that. Is there anyone out there who has been through this and has some advice? I just told her to not take it personally, as hard as that is. Girl's feelings can change on a dime.
That was last week. Today the girls and I went to go have lunch with her and the other kids in the lunchroom told me that she had changed schools. Apparently last Friday her mom got her hair up her navel about something and decided that Destiny needed to change schools. I told the mentor coordinator about it and she said that was not the issue. She did not share the reason and I did not ask. She seemed pretty upset about it and said that Destiny did not want to go. I am going to follow Destiny to her other school and still be her mentor. Hopefully she will have an easier time making friends at her new school.
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
I have been really trying to get into running for a while. I have been training myself to do a 5k but when I run my knees really bother me. I have a lot of motivation but knee pain really puts a kink my pipes. I don't care about the pain so much but I don't want to destroy me knees for future use.
I few weeks ago I was getting to run a 5k and I went to the gym and ran 2.5 miles. The next day I really felt what I had done in my knee. I think it was probably good that I got the flu and couldn't run in the race.
I have been wondering what to do about this problem when I asked for prayer about it during my Read through the Bible class. It seemed like a silly prayer request but they asked. Today I was talking to a lady at the gym and we were talking about running marathons. I mentioned that I was trying to but my knees where bothering me. She told me that she used to have the same problem but she went and got custom fitted for shoes. I have fancy shoes right now but they were certainly not custom fitted. I did some research on the internet and if you go to a speciality athletic shoe store they will put you on a treadmill and watch you run to see what type of shoe you need. Apparently many people are pronators which means they don't use their feet correctly while running. The right running shoes will correct the particular way that you run and align you and you should be. Very interesting. I am excited and I want to go this weekend to get new shoes. Oh, that would be wonderful to be able to just run and not worry about damaging myself.
The thing is that Wichita Falls does not have an athletic shoe store so I guess we will be visiting OKC soon. I would like Asher to go and get some new shoes also because he has a tendancy to get shin splints.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Tonight Sery was saying, "Mommy, pobby (potty)." She says it often and I usually ignore her because it usually does not get anyone anywhere. She just likes to sit on the toilet and pretend. But tonight I responded by asking her if she wanted to go potty. She said, "Yeah, mon (c'mon)." So I tagged along. We got to the bathroom and she surprised me by grabbing the stepstool and seating herself. That was no small feat mind you because the stepstool was halfway under the toilet and she gave me a small heart attack because she almost went topsy-turvy during her ascent. My arms were held out protectively but it was still unsettling to watch. Here is the funny part. She was sitting on the toilet and told me that she wanted to wipe. I told her that she could not do that until she went pee. (My proverbial carrot.) I was helping Bethany into the bath and I realized I was hearing a shhhh, shhhh, shhhh sound. Ha, ha, ha. She was pretending to pee to get her "carrot."
Sery just turned two a couple of days ago and she is our baby. I will always treasure sweet moments like this one because they go by so quickly. So here is one that is idelibly written in the ink of my blog. Good times, good times.
I tried to put a picture up but I can't seem to find any that will copy over.
Monday, November 10, 2008
They taste so yummy you might expect them to be bad for you. They are naturally sweet on their own but just a little bland so last time I added 1/2 cup of brown sugar to help the taste and it seemed to do the trick. These really are very good. I got this from If you bake these make sure that you cook them long enough. When they are properly done the bottoms carmalize into a thicker texture. Make them small too. They do not spread out so you have to press them down flat.
Healthy Banana Cookies
3 ripe bananas
2 cups rolled oats
1 cup dates, pitted and chopped
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a large bowl, mash the bananas. Stir in oats, dates, oil, and vanilla. Mix well, and allow to sit for 15 minutes. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake for 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until lightly brown.
Here is another recipe from I haven't actually tried these yet but I have made a similar granola recipe and these look like they would be a lot better. It was hard to get the other ones to stick together. I am going to see if I can make them with the girls this week.
snackin' granola bars
3-1/2 cups Quaker® Oatmeal, toasted
1 cup raisins
1 cup chopped nuts
2/3 cup butter or margarine, melted
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/3 cup honey, corn syrup, or molasses
1 egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Combine all the ingredients; mix well. Press firmly into well greased 15-1/2x10-1/2-inch jelly roll pan. Bake in preheated moderate oven (350° F) about 20 minutes. Cool; cut into bars. Store in tightly covered container in cool dry place or in refrigerator.
notes and cook tips
To bake in 13x9-inch baking pan, bake in preheated oven (325 degrees F), 30 to 35 minutes. To bake in 13x9-inch glass baking dish, bake in preheated oven (300 degrees F), 30-35 minutes.
Add 1/2 cup flaked or shredded coconut. Substitute one 6-oz. pkg. semi-sweet chocolate pieces for 1/2 cup raisins.
Substitute 1/2 cup sunflower seed for 1/2 cup nuts.