Monday, March 02, 2009

Cute moment I want to remember.

Tonight Sery was saying, "Mommy, pobby (potty)." She says it often and I usually ignore her because it usually does not get anyone anywhere. She just likes to sit on the toilet and pretend. But tonight I responded by asking her if she wanted to go potty. She said, "Yeah, mon (c'mon)." So I tagged along. We got to the bathroom and she surprised me by grabbing the stepstool and seating herself. That was no small feat mind you because the stepstool was halfway under the toilet and she gave me a small heart attack because she almost went topsy-turvy during her ascent. My arms were held out protectively but it was still unsettling to watch. Here is the funny part. She was sitting on the toilet and told me that she wanted to wipe. I told her that she could not do that until she went pee. (My proverbial carrot.) I was helping Bethany into the bath and I realized I was hearing a shhhh, shhhh, shhhh sound. Ha, ha, ha. She was pretending to pee to get her "carrot."

Sery just turned two a couple of days ago and she is our baby. I will always treasure sweet moments like this one because they go by so quickly. So here is one that is idelibly written in the ink of my blog. Good times, good times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's so cute ... it's very hard, for me anyway, seeing those young days go by - Liam is one now and the thought of him being my baby and all the cute little things passing by each year he gets older is so hard! I, too, try to treasure every moment of my kids' lives - but it's hard to do in this busy world! God bless