Thursday, June 28, 2007

More Picture Experimentation!
I wish I did not let Caylee put the sunglasses over her eyes. It looked much different in real life.
I had this idea today that I wanted to do more pictures but with props. Every time I take pictures there are things that I would like to do better, so this is kind of becoming an obsession for me. This time I tried putting the sheet in front of my garage because the tape sticks to the door better than to brick, but I don't think I like the lighting there quite as much. It seemed like in a lot of the photos their feet where more illuminated than their faces.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

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This morning I decided it was time to take some "professional" pictures. I haven't had any taken for a while and I don't really like taking all my kids to the studios so now I pretty much take them myself. I know they don't look as good as the studio but I like them well enough and if I am not happy with them I can just take more. I definitely want to have another session because my tripod is in Asher's truck and that really does make a difference. These pictures were taken on my porch because natural diffused light is the best. I simply taped up a sheet to the wall and snapped away.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

When I was taking pictures of Macy and Serenity I noticed that Bethany still had gum in her mouth. I had given it to her about 45 min. previous and I was amazed that she was still hanging on to it. I wouldn't normally give her gum but I had let Macy have some and whatever Macy has Bethany also feels rightfully belongs to her.
It was very hard to get a good picture of Bethany because she moves so stinkin' fast.
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Macy is poking Sery's chin to make her smile.

It worked!
"This is her head."
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Debbie, my mother-in-law requested pictures of Serenity last night. She very kindly reminded me that Serenity is now like four months old and she has not seen one picture of her most recent grandchild. After waiting so patiently she finally checked my blog and still did not have any luck. So, Bill and Debbie, this is for you. I just want to put in here that I so lucked out when it came to in-laws. Asher's parents are so nice. They really are the best.
This morning Macy was playing with Sery on the bed and I just thought it was adorable so I grabbed my camera got a few shots. The picture where is poking out her lips she is shushing Sery to quiet her cries. Awww.

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