Saturday, September 23, 2006

Here is a bigger picture of our group. I was hoping that you could see the people in the picture better.
This is Nils Gransburg's group in Norman. He is the one in the white shirt. I don't know him very well, but he seems really nice. He has a deep voice, so I just like to listen to him talk.

This is our group. Can you see me? Can you imagine all these people in our house every Friday, plus the kids? At first it seemed akward because it felt like we were sitting on top of each other. But now I guess everyone is just used to it. I love this group of people. Everyone is so nice and so committed to doing what God wants in their lives. Have you ever been part of a group of people that are just excited about growing in Christ and that makes you excited to be with them. We really do have sweet Christian fellowship when we get together. Posted by Picasa
Another crowd shot. The girl in the yellow shirt is Elizabeth. She is the absolute sweetest, most helpful person I have met. She may also be the most organized. I have just loved having her in our bilble study. If there is ever a problem or a need, she is always the first person to volunteer to fix it or at least help. She inspires me and I have learned a lot from her.

This was too cute. I had to take a picture. I don't know whose idea this was, but when I asked why they covering Caylee, she told me that she was a dead princess and they were burying her so that her prince could come and rescue her. Where does she get this stuff? I haven't let her watch a princess movie in over a year.
At the end of the evening Asher took a picture of all the different groups. It was a tradition that Mike Warren started and seems like a good idea. This is the Edmond Bible Study. The leaders are Matt and Debbie Lowman. Such a sweet couple. Matt cracks me up every time I talk to him.

This is a big group shot of everybody. All the bible studies together. Posted by Picasa
Yesterday we had a bible study rally at Kiwanis Park in Midwest City. Just kind of a quick history of how this all started. We did not start the bible study at our house. It was started by Mike Warren, who moved away at the beginning of the summer. After he moved, the bible study split into three groups. There is one in Norman, Edmond and ours in Del City. We actually have the biggest group right now because the original bible study was located near our house.

Everyone had so much fun. I love being at events where everyone is having a great time all alcohol free.

I was so frustrated. I did not realize until the next day that there was a spot on my camera. I hate when that happens.

This is Krisha. She loves babies and Bethany is no excpetion. She is going to make a great mom someday.

This is Mike and Michelle. They aren't a couple, they're just sitting together. Mike is the main guy that Asher has been working and he is excited because now Mike is ready to go and train others.

Chow TIme. It was funny. Asher told everyone to bring a side and a soda. Almost everyone brought soda and chips. I guess we should have expected it. These guys (and gals) almost all live in the dorms and eat at the chow hall.

This is what I get for not putting away breakfast right away. On this particular morning I had gotten busy with my morning routine and had forgotten to tell the girls to put away their cereal, so I walked in on a very naughty Macy. The reason she looks confused is because she knows she is in trouble and she does not understand why I am taking a picture of her. It was the princess skirt. I could not resist. It so was hard to keep a straight face. Needless to say, she got off real easy this time.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Kiwanis park in Midwest City. I had checked it out on the internet because I was looking for a park that would be good for our upcoming bible study rally. It looked like it had everything we needed on the website, so for family-time we went and checked it out. The girls gave their seal of approval and I gave mine since the volleyball court and playground are all real close to the pavillion.

We stood in the line to get the girls faces painted for, no joking, 45 minutes. The girls loved it though. I have been thinking that I would like to try to paint their faces myself. I know a lady at co-op who does it and halloween is coming up ( we don't celebrate halloween, we just dress up for fall parties). I could also practice on the girls across the street. I am sure they would love it, too.

Here Macy is enjoying one of those delicious whole wheat cinnamon rolls. They are yummy. It is funny, two years ago when we first attended Septemberfest, they didn't taste right to me. They were edible, but just not right. Since then I have tried to exclude as much white flour from my diet as I can simply because I know wheat is better, and now those rolls are heavenly. Just a little different perspective was all I needed.
This looked like a neat idea. It was ice cream in a bag. Unfortunately, we did not have the patience to stand there and shake it for 10 minutes, so we never actually got to try any. But coincidently, someone in my homeschool group sent me a recipe for ice cream in a bag a few days ago. So I thought we would try that next time we have family time.

September 9th we all took off and went to Septemberfest. I look forward to this every year, and it did not disappoint. There was all kind of stuff to do. I bet that we only did maybe a quarter of all there was. Actually, we probably did not do nearly that much. Next year I think I will bring a lunch. Although the samples were delicious, my favorite is the whole wheat cinammon rolls, I want to use the time we spent standing in line doing other fun stuff. Caylee and Natalie love stitting on the tractors. They just love to sit there and pretend like they are driving. Asher told me that his dad actually let him drive a tractor when he was a kid. Sounds a little dangerous to me.
Caylee roped her first cow. At first the guy overseeing the roping had stand where all the big kids had been standing, but that didn't quite work out. I was surprised that when she moved forward a few steps she got it on the first time. Go, Caylee. My little cowgirl. Yeehaa! (had to put that in.)

This is another one of Caylee's favorite things a Septemberfest. I think it is interesting to learn that cornbread does not start out in packages, but as grain that is milled into flour and then baked. I have actually been thinking about milling my own grain and making my own bread because I think it will be cheaper and much healthier.

I haven't blogged in so long and there is so much that I have missed putting on my blog. I am going to go back and try to catch everybody up on some of it. Today I downloaded pictures from my camera so I will just start by blogging them. A few of them are just me capturing everyday sweet moments that are small, but I don't ever want to forget. These pictures are some of the everyday moments. I was in the process of mowing the grass when Natalie jumped into the middle where it was not mowed yet and started rolling around. She was laying there telling me what she was saw in the clouds, when Star "our cat," came over and joined her. The two of them were so precious together. After I was done, Natalie baked me a cake, not a birthday cake, she was very clear on that. It was a present because she loves me. So sweet! I just love it when she does things like that. She is always thinking of others.

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